Patch test is required 24 hours before your treatment.

Any hair removal treatments such as waxing should be carried out 24 hours prior to tanning.

​It is very important to wear loose & dark clothing after your session.
​What you wear can either protect or ruin the spray tan. You want to make sure you don’t wear something to heavy that will cause you to sweat. Sweating after a spray tan is not good!!​

Tip! Always have an umbrella incase there is a chance of rain.

After your spray tanning session, you must allow a minimum of 8 hours before having a shower.

please avoid applying any moisturisers, fragrances & deodorant before having your spray tan.

How long will my spray tan last before it fades??

The answer to that question has more to do with you and your skin than the solutions being used. This is because a spray tan is sprayed onto the top layer of your skin which is made up mostly of dead skin cells. These dead skin cells slowly flake off of your skin every day and your skin naturally exfoliates itself every 5-8 days. Which is why most spray tans will last up to 5-8 days. There are definitely things you can do to make sure that you get at least 5-8 days, if not more, out of your spray tan sessions.

Is there anyway to get more than 5-8 days from a spray tan?

Yes! If you want more than 5-8 days from your tan,​Start with a great exfoliation 24 hours before EVERY spray tan service. The exfoliation will help to remove as many dead skin cells, giving you a fresh new cycle of skin to apply the solution onto. We also recommend for you to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated after and before having your spray tan.

Remember that your spray tan is sitting on delicate skin so be gentle!

Once your spray tan has finished processing and you have showered it off we recommend applying skin Moisturiser cream 2-3 times a day to keep the skin moist and conditioned. If you do not use a good moisturiser on your skin, it will become dry and your spray tan will fade a lot quicker.
You may even see a “crackling” affect on the skin if it is not moisturised properly.

Finally remember, using a lot of soap or going in chlorine or salt water will be very drying on your skin and thus exfoliate the tan off of the skin a lot faster. Also, excessive sweating or rubbing of tight clothes can definitely exfoliate the tan off a lot quicker than normal. Pat dry when getting out the shower/tub and avoid washcloths and loofah’s in the shower/tub while the spray tan in on your skin.
How long should I wait after a session before showering?
To give the DHA enough time to fully set, it is recommended to wait a minimum of 4 hours after a sunless spray tanning session or 8 hours for optimal results. Showering sooner may diminish the intensity of the tan.

Commitment to service:

Our salon is dedicated to service and value. All of our licensed specialists sincerely enjoy what we do and it is reflected in the loyalty of our clients. We promise individual attention and great value for all of our customers.


​Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment. We schedule appointments according to our specialists’ availability and speciality. If you are running late, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you. Arriving late will likely limit the time allocated for your service; it will lessen the effectiveness and most importantly your pleasure and enjoyment. As a courtesy to all clients our treatments are completed as scheduled. Cancellations of all services require a 48-hour notice. Thank you for your consideration and understanding. Gratuities are not included in the price of services and are greatly appreciated. Suggestions are always welcome.

​​Gift Certificates

​Ideal for holiday gifts, birthdays, anniversaries as well as employees and business clients. Please call ahead or stop by the salon to pick up yours today.

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